AI-Powered Account Categorization Data

Start selling to the right accounts, faster. Enrich your records with the most accurate and targeted B2B data. Sourced using live internet search technology, not static databases.

We are not a platform.
We bridge gaps in your business data.
Relativity6 is a CRM enrichment tool that surfaces
accurate, granular, and customizable account insights using live internet searches
and delivers them via batch delivery.

To help sales and marketing teams unlock additional value
from their existing data partners.

No training. No onboarding. No ramp time.
Just clean, accurate account data. Delivered on demand.

You know your ICP.
We help you find and convert them faster.
Using live internet searches, our AI sources and delivers granular insights
for targeted sales and marketing campaigns at scale.
Relativity6 is your AI-powered
research assistant.
  • Build targeted account lists
    ICP Keyword Flags help you find and
    categorize accounts with the highest
    level of precision, so reps can start
    selling, faster.
  • Reduce time spent on manual research  
    More granular account categorization
    and ICP Keyword Flags helps reps qualify
    accounts right in their CRM. No
    additional research required.
  • Scale personalized conversations
    Real-time business scoops and digital
    discovery are surfaced using our AI-powered
    research tool. Making it easy to scale
    personalized messaging using pre-filled
    outreach triggers.
  • Run more granular analytics
    Restore trust in your data. With confidence
    scores, custom keyword flags, and granular
    business insights, you can effectively
    segment to uncover trends and boost sales
    in targeted markets 
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